(/image/791050曲装修网_SZSC NE如果口裸心堡是童口般的梦想国度,那么把它口到口口中的那些建筑口和工程口就是“造梦口”。口完美呈口出裸心的全部口口理念,口模囗1万多平方米的口目,“造梦口”口付出了近3年的口致配合服口。他口方案深化口孜孜不倦的囗口推敲,施工口配合囗及口的反囗修正,施工口周到的囗口口整.…上海天口建筑口口有限公司的“造梦口”口与裸心口口持有共同的生口建筑口,并力求口原初口口都能囗落地囗口。If the Naked Castle is a fairytale dream-world the architects and engineers who havebrought it to reality are "dreamers". To perfect the whole design concept of the NakedCastle, a project of more than 10,000 square meters, the "dream makers "have dedicatedthemselves for nearly three years. Their plans deepened with the tireless works on everydetail, and had timely feedbacks and corrections when the construction drawing wascoordinated Shanghai tianhua architectural design co, LTD and the Naked Castle teamheld common ecological architectural concept, and strived to make the original design fullyrealized奥尚室内装修 (image /791047曲装修网口了捋建筑口原始山坡地貌和生口的破坏减到最小,裸心堡采用了口口口构、符合山地的吊脚楼囗构,口基口用最小程度的基口开挖方案,同口口可口口原料、运口和人工成本。在口口施工中,根据原始方案口行放口后,有些口基达不到口口深度。“造梦口”口多次口口口口配合解决口构口症,在不影响口口初衷和建筑口量的基口上,口整偏移角度。In order to minimize the damage to the original landscape and ecological slope, the NakedCastle adopted light structure, and the foundation excavation scheme selected the minimumpile, which would also save raw materials, transportation, and labor costs at the same timeIn the actual construction, some piles could not reach the design depth The dream makersvisited the site for times in order to solve the structure problems, and adjusted the offsetangle of the structure on the basis that it did not affect the design purpose and constructionqualityⅴ裸心堡采用了轻质的、符合山地的吊脚楼结构, the Naked Castle adopted light structureand minimum pile foundation@口圣亮奥尚室内装修 mage曲内装修网SN_⊥ ZSC NE口了口承文脉,与莫干山的口土人情更好地融合,裸心口口口用了很多当地的建筑材料、回收老屋木框架,希望裸心堡也能以当地的口口建筑工法来建造。石口、竹子、回收的旧梁柱,以及口口的口砌石口、夯土屋、泥胚口,不但口保,口口托出囗然天成的韵味及氛口。In order to cope with local context and to fit better into the indigenous environment ofMogan Mountain, the design team chose a lot of local building materials, recycled oldwooden frame, and hoped that the project could be built in the local traditional way. Stonebamboo, recycled beams and columns, as well as traditional softball stone wall, rammedearth house, mud wall not only contributed in environmental protection, but also created anatural atmosphereV酒店内景, interior view奥尚室内装修