Stam ba酒店,格口吉口/ Adjara Arch Group感受第比利斯的口代化都市口情室内装修网SN.JZSStamba酒店位于vera街区,周口口口着口口而口尚的精品店、酒吧和餐口,是第比利斯最具活力的口意社区之一。酒店距离著名的 Rustaveli大街口有几口的距离,口里坐落着格口吉口最大的几个地口建筑.包括歌口和芭蕾口院和格口吉口口会大厦。 Stamba酒店与其旁口的 Rooms酒店的均是由来自第比利斯的事口所Adjara Arch Group担口口口,其理念是捋本土特征注入到酒店空口的每-口Located in Tbilisi's Vera neighborhood, a hip and evolving area that has historically been home to the cityspreeminent creatives and intellectuals, Stamba is well placed for proximity to the capitals most excitingboutiques, bars, and restaurants. Just yards from the citys famed Rustaveli Avenue, where some ofGeorgias biggest landmarks can be found, including the Opera Ballet Theater and the Parliament ofGeorgia, this prominent position places Stamba side-by-side with its smaller sister property-Rooms Hotelalso overseen by the Tbilisi-based Adjara Group, which brought together local talent to create everythingfrom Stamba's uniforms to interiors, which were conceived by Adjara Arch GroupV酒店外观, exterior view奥尚室内装修 粗野主口的建筑口构被很好地保留下来,高天花板和裸露的口口定口出尺度适宜的空口,使每个空口口元(52平方米)都能囗通口一系列超大窗口口得充足的光。口口而舒适的口装口室内空口口来了柔和的美感,包括毛口布料、口毛口地毯、覆盖着口皮的床口板、口面桌子以及装有天然羊毛口口的扶手椅等等客中尖口放着独立式的过中入口在块角内的自命NET地定口出空口,口来高档公寓式的居住体口Led by the well-preserved architecture of the Brutalist structure, rooms are appropriately defined by highceilings and exposed brickwork, with each 52 sqm space flooded with light via a series of oversized windowsaesthetic and completing the resulting industrial-luxe decor are a series of sumptuous touches, such asplush, deep pile carpets, butter soft leather bedheads, mirrored tables, and armchairs upholstered in naturalwool. Gilded free-standing brass bathtubs sit in the center of guestrooms and offer extravagant vantagepoints from which to literally soak up the atmosphere, while in Stamba's Corner Suites, sliding doors andwell-defined spaces offer the impression of an upscale apartmentv客房, guest re奥尚室内装修 除了客厉之外,酒店中口口置了众多公共空口以待探索。壮口的通高中庭口部口有一个底部透明的屋口游泳池。中庭四周口口着室内阳台,从口里可以看到原先出版社建筑中用于晾干印刷品的横梁,如今它口横跨在酒店的口口.用于支撑棉互国口的物叶一中庭的普口心布局的大口和接待区.口面口有通高的口架,其中口放着酒店收截的+系列口籍一酒盖了从文学到山影等谷种不同的口域。双口高的咖峡口同NET口沉浸在葱郁的灌木中,成口 Stamba酒店中最具工口口尚气息的区域Beyond its accommodations, this labyrinthine property offers a plethora of public spaces to explore A strikingatrium that extends the full height of the building is topped by a glass-bottomed rooftop pool and flanked by aseries of internal balconies, each offering supreme views of the former publishing house's print drying beam,which now cuts through the hotels upper levels and is used to support the trees and foliage which weave andwind through the space. At the atriums base lies a discreet lobby and reception area, both lined with floor-to-ction of the holiterature to photography. a grand double-height cafe, also filled with lush topiary, is where Stamba'sdustrial chic aesthetic shines brightestV通高的中庭, the atrium extends the full height of the building奥尚室内装修