翁宅,台湾/两册空口口重囗儿国空与家腰的室内装修网SN.JZS口是口口台北一所老公寓的口口口目。原有的空口布局囗了口足三个卧室和两个浴室的需求,口牲了厨房和餐口的空口。因此,原本口放在厨房内的冰箱只能放在餐口,口一步口口了餐口空口,使餐口内无法放下四人的用餐桌This project is an old apartment located in Taipei. The original layout, in terms of spatial configuration,acrificed the space in the kitchen and dining room to meet the need for three bedrooms and two bathroomsThus, it was impossible to place the refrigerator in the kitchen, and it could only be placed in the dining room.However, this compressed the dining room space, and it was then not possible to place a four- person diningtable in the dining roomng room奥尚室内装修 口口口希望改善厨房和餐囗空口狭窄的口口。因此,口口口口小了一口卧室面口,捋空口分配口厨房和餐口,口口两个区域的空口更加灵活有足口空口放下冰箱。使用更加有效率,餐口能口放下足口尺寸的餐桌和椅子。起居室也口得了更多的工作空口In this regard, we hope to improve the problem of narrow kitchens and dining room space. Therefore, weflexible and allowing sufficient space in the kitchen for a refrigerator and dining table In addition to moreefficient use of the kitchen, the dining room can also fit a full-sized dining table with chairs, while the livingroom will have more working space.v起居室内工作空间, working space in the living roomⅴ从起居室和厨房看向餐厅, view from living room and kitchen to the dinning room奥尚室内装修 在口施口程中,除了解决当前功能需求无法口足的口口,口口口捋重点放在了口主喜口的口口口格上。口口口与口主尽可能口口地口行口口,了解口主从小口空口和家庭的口口,希望依据口主成口和熟悉的口境来口行家居和口境口口。In the execution process, in addition to solving the current problem of the unmet functional needs, we triedto focus on the preferred style of the homeowner. we discussed with the homeowner in as much detail aspossible, their impressions of space and home from their childhood. We hope to base the design of the homefurnishings and environment on that which the homeowner grew up around and what feels familiav充满记忆的家居设计, design full of childhood impressions口口口采用与口主口口口生共口的元素并捋它口口合在一起。首先,在重新口行室内口口口,口口不做任何口理,直接用作表面材料。第二,采用水泥地板、口口和松木胶合板共同口造一种口主熟悉的居住氛口。最后.口口口尽可能的减少装口口口,努力呈口出一种口口感,使材料能口通口本身特口表达口口口最初的口口意口。Later, we included some elements that resonated with the elements from the homeowners'impressions andintegrated these. First, brick walls were used directly as a surface material without any modification whenabuilding the interior compartment. Second, cement floors, wall decals, and pine plywood were used toinstruct a familiar residential atmosphere. Finally, we also tried to reduce decorative designs as much aspossible and strived to present a sense of simplicity so the materials could express our initial intentionshrough their own propertiesⅴ未经处理的砖墙, brick walls without modification奥尚室内装修