吴为:商业餐饮的戏剧化与仪式感——祥云小镇唐廊烤鸭店 Wu Wei: Dramatization of dining business: roasting duck restaurant of Shangyung Town
唐廊烤鸭店位于中粮祥云小镇——由设计师吴为倾力打造,从传统的饮食文化出发,由材质、色彩、艺术等不同方向,力求打造一个饱具艺术气息的餐饮空间。Tanglang Roast Duck locates in Shangyung Town. Designed by Wu Wei, it presents an artistic dining space through traditional dining while incorporating material, color and art.
空间中大面积施以中性色调铺开,静谧的孔雀蓝、沉稳的中国红、质感十足的金属色泽,烘托出整个空间的色调层次。质感间的统一、对比,和谐、跃动,都融于每一处细节。Neutral color tones are utilized in the space: malachite blue, scarlet, and metallic color enhances layers of color in the hall. Every detail contains unification, harmony, and contrast.
在设计语言上,点线面之间的关系在设计师手中被完美诠释,空间的层次感,色彩间的相互衬托,质感的对比关系,都融于一室。The connection between points and lines are perfectly defined by the designer. The space contains sense of layers, collaboration of colors, and comparison between qualities.
步入餐厅,一层主要作为公共空间使用,以散坐形式存在,中心区域特别设置了中央水景。The first floor of the restaurant is utilized as public space with spread-put seats. Water decoration has been installed in the center of the premise.
拾阶而上,天花上倾泻而下的“擀面杖”装置如山水连绵起伏 The rolling pin deco on the ceiling can be observed from the stairs.
木材质感温润细腻,极具亲和力。The wooden texture provides sensation of warmth.
二楼延续一楼的主色调,整体空间静谧而舒适,一侧靠窗的位置充分保证室内的光线,便随着天花艺术装置洒落而下。The main color tone extends to the second floor, maintaining the serenity of the dining hall. The window-side seats provide ample light for the hall, which shines down from the ceiling.
二层墙面上吊挂了四幅江南木雕花板,是业主无意间收来的旧时精致之物,置于当下的现代环境之中。Four sculpted panels are hung upon the wall on second floor. These are delicate collections of the shopowner.
这大概是最惬意的空间,金色吊灯的点缀与青砖的粗旷形成强烈对比。This is the most relaxing space, in which golden celling lamps pose share contrast to roughness of blue bricks.
Blue brick is one of symbols of Chinese civilization. Only through its complex production process may one look into the traditional culture.
Among various deco materials of Tanglang, the designer favors blue bricks particularly. He presents the texture of blue bricks layer by layer. The brick wall by the bar exhibit strong sense of order. Blue bricks embedded in metal frames properly conveyed the timelessness of ancient wall.
宁谧而悠然的原木清香加之青砖的素雅,将喧嚣的都市隔绝于外。The aroma of wood and elegance of blue bricks blocks urban nuisance out.