
思联建筑设计有限公司 (CL3) 创办人及董事总经理林伟而先生,毕业于美国康内尔大学建筑系。他将超过20年的丰富经验及创新思维应用于CL3多个项目之中,并于过去20年间积极推动本地建筑、文化及艺术的发展。
林伟而一直活跃于艺术界,特别是公共艺术。他曾多次举办个人展览,展出公共艺术装置,包括2003 及2011 年在香港举行的彩灯大观园、2006 及 2010 年在意大利举行的威尼斯建筑双年展、2007 及 2009 年在香港举行的香港深圳城市/建筑双城双年展等。其作品曾于香港、成都、美国和荷兰展出。2013年,“西九大戏棚2013” 更荣获由香港设计中心颁发的亚洲最具影响力设计奖及亚洲最具影响力文化特别奖。
现时,林伟而为美国康乃尔大学建筑系顾问及中国咨询委员会成员,致力教育与文化推广,并在香港及海外多个知名的艺术团体担任要职,其中包括英国泰特美术馆 (Tate) 的亚洲艺术收藏委员成员、亚洲协会艺廊咨询委员会成员以及香港康乐文化事务署博物馆专家顾问等,积极推动艺术的发展。
? 美国麻省注册建筑师Massachusetts USA, Registered Architect
? 美国建筑师注册管理局注册建筑师National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, Registered Architect
? 美国建筑师学会会员The American Institute of Architects
? 香港建筑师学会会员Hong Kong Institute of Architects, member
? 香港注册建筑师Hong Kong Architects Registration Board, Registered Architect
? 建筑师事务所商会有限公司会员The Association of Architectural Practices Ltd., member
? 香港设计师协会会员Hong Kong Designers Association, member
? 香港室内设计协会会员The Interior Design Association Hong Kong Ltd., member
? 中华人民共和国一级注册建筑师资格National Administration Board of Architectural Registration, PRC Class I Registered Architect Qualification
? 建筑系硕士 (副修摄影学系) - 美国康乃尔大学Master of Architecture - Cornell University, NY, USA (minor in Photography)
? 建筑系学士 - 美国康乃尔大学Bachelor of Architecture - Cornell University, NY, USA
? 美国建筑师学会香港分会2003年及2013年会长President of American Institute of Architects, Hong Kong 2003 & 2013
? Para/Site艺术空间2011 – 2013年度联主席及现为董事局成员Co-chairman of Para/Site Art Space 2011 – 2013
? 美国康乃尔大学建筑系顾问委员会成员Advisory Council Member of College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Cornell University.
? 英国泰特美术馆 (Tate) 亚洲艺术收藏委员成员Asia-Pacific Acquisitions Committee member of Tate Museum, UK
? 亚洲协会艺廊咨询委员会成员The Gallery Advisory Committee Members for The Asia Society Hong Kong Center
? 亚洲艺术文献库董事会成员Board of Directors, Asia Art Archive
? 香港康乐及文化事务署博物馆专家顾问Museum Expert Advisers 2014-2017, Hong Kong Museum
? 香港政府经济发展委员会 – 制造、高新科技及文化创意产业工作小组成员Member of Economic Development Commission – Working Group on Manufacturing Industries, Innovative Technology, and Cultural and Creative Industries Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
? 香港大学助理教授Assistant Professor, Department of Architects, The University of Hong Kong
? 四川大学客座教授Guest Professor, Faculty of Art, Sichuan University
? 美国康乃尔大学中国咨询委员会成员Member of the China Advisory Board, Cornell University
William Lim
Founder and Managing Director
As Founder and Managing Director of CL3 Architects Ltd. (CL3), William Lim brings over 20 years of experience to his projects. An acclaimed architect and artist, William graduated from Cornell University and has spent the past two decades at the forefront of architecture, culture and art.
With a keen appreciation of humanities and art, William’s designs are distinctive and contemporary. “Architects have a social obligation to improve urban environments,” explains William. “Architecture is about people. I always feel that architects are only doing part of the job—the rest is really shaped by the occupant using the space. We treat every project as a unique challenge and pay attention to every single detail – from the architecture to the interior detailing-- to create human-oriented and quality designs with artistic value.”.
Since founding CL3 in 1992, William has established a notable presence on the global design scene. The studio’s diverse, award-winning portfolio includes architectural and interior projects for hotels, restaurants, retail, corporate, residences and art installation design.
William is also active in the art space with a focus on public art. Throughout his career he has held several solo exhibitions showcasing his public art installations, most notably the Lantern Wonderland 2003 & 2011, Venice Biennale’s International Architectural Exhibition in 2006 & 2010, as well as Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture in 2007 and 2009. His works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Chengdu, the United States and Holland. More recently, his signature piece, “West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre”, was awarded the Grand Award and Special Award for Culture