luneng taishan no.7 the second phaseanalysis oF geogRaphical enviRonMent重夏:餐能七装一期公所设日地现第境分析项目區位蜜内装SN江家淘ProjectlocationYubei District IOcal blOck is lOcateD iN chONgqiNg ON the west siDe Of ceNtral park,the largest OpeN citY ceNter park,high-eND plate the DOwNturN,urbaNecOlOgical resiDeNce,imprOViNg traffic settles,prOmOteD acceleratiON Value,busiNess,cOmmerce,gOVerNmeNt,eDucatiON is perfect,cOmplete equipmeNts.本地塊位於重度市渝北區中央公留西侧,层内最大的调放式城市中心公凰,高端低迷板瑰,城市生態住宅,交通改善落定,價值加速提升,商装,商務,政務,教育完善,配套膏全。RICKY WONG DESIGNERSSN. luneng taishan no.7 the second phase pRoject chongqingcustoMeR base analysis重厦·鲁位光蒙一期公所室晚H日客部分析custOmer base lOcatiON-graDe lOck客群定位-分级鎖定in chongqing local custoMeR MaRket deMand FoR the Main diRection,this kind oF just,just change the custoMeR deMand asthe coRe custoMeRs,Meet the Functional RequiReMents oF such gRoups living in chongqing FoR the FiRst tiMe hoMe oR hoMeagain;on this basis,to attRact investMent clients FoR key custoMeRs;the ReMaining custoMeRs FoR My custoMeRs nationWide.以重慶本地客戶為市場需求做主要婷向,以此類需、刚改需求客戶為核心客戶,滿足此颗群體於重慶首次置业或再次置渠的居住功能需求:在此基础上,吸引到的投资客户重婴客下:全周其除客户为偶得客下,such gRoups just need to change,just need gRoups Mainly in uppeRclass society,and have a ceRtain econoMic base,the gRoup leading theopeRation oF coMMunity ResouRces sMaRtFoRtune class.此類解髓以南需、刚政需求群體為主,於社食中高層陌级,具猫一定的與盟清基礎,核群随主导社雾得客户核心客户会资源运作的财智阶级,such gRoups to iMpRove custoMeR based,to Meet the Functional needsoF such gRoups living.local Residents as an iMpoRtant custoMeR,such gRoups have a ceRtain econoMic stRength,a ceRtain aMount oFexpeRience in the investMent,the puRchase oF pRopeRty to occupy a laRgeRpRopoRtion oF the pRopoRtion oF the gRoup's investMent.此類群险以改善型客戶為主,滿足此知群醴居住功能需求。以当地居民為重要客戶,此類群的具備一定经济直力,时投资有一定经验,螺置物栗佔據液群酸投资比例的胶大部分。重要客户pRovince and otheR Regional investMent gRoups.省内及其他區域投資群髓。RICKY WONG DESIGNERSSN. luneng taishan no.7 the second phase pRoject chongqingkey points oF the design重厦·餐能七装一期公所室设H日塌We hope to pRoMote the ecological ResouRces oF the Region,With the geogRaphical location and aRchitectuRalFeatuRes as inspiRation,the intRoduction oF neW sales ideas,With the FieRce coMpetition in the pRopeRty MaRket.We captuRe the essence oF the success oF the sales centeR,coMbined with the essence oF Fashion liFe,cReating a newconcept of the sales,With conteMpoRaRy design techniques,to cReate a Fashion life oF the sales centeR.我們希望提倡此画域的生態资源,以地理位置與察特性為靈感,注入新额的生活理念,配合激烈赖孕的樓市,我們铺捉成功会所的精華,同時结合了時尚生活的精简,開削全新的设计概念,以常代的般計手法,打造一佩體现時尚生活的会所。曲尚fsi042 Slet the guests in the saMe RooF expeRience,diet,undeRstanding,expeRience Fashion liFe sales centeR.coMpleMentaRy giFts,FloRal eleMents,coFFee,caReFully build a veRy novel sales cReate a Full Range oF expeRience,let us expeRience the day beFoRe.guests can expeRience this,and Find the yeaRning FoR liFe.腿賓客在同一屋答下體验、敛食、了解、髓验酵尚生活的会所植品、花藝、如啡元素的互辅,精心打造出極為新颗的生活随验打造全方位验,壤我們脸验日前超努賓客能于此险验,并找到生活的鹰往RICKY WONG DESIGNERSSN.