建筑师:Karim Rashid
设计组:Juliette Hyunju Lee, Alex Loyer Hughes, Kamala Hutauruk, Mike Gibson, Mana Mohammadkhani
总承包商:Kingsmen Korea
面积:900 sqm
摄影:Lee Gyeon Bae
The islands are centrifugal in arrangement, inviting users to interact, communicate and socialize in the space. This creates a lively dynamic setting which generates a sense of place for gathering and will ultimately make the space successful. The undulating perimeter of the area is perforated to create visual openings for service counters. Snack locations are “carved” into the surrounding perimeter creating with strong visual highlights for the eye inside. The floor plays off the linear patterns of the perimeter wall creating a strong wireframe that creates a sense of continuous dynamism and motion within the space. A strong dynamic presentation wall serves as a backdrop to the space creating a visual focal point while concealing vertical circulation from the communal space.
正如Gianfranco Zaccai曾说过的:“设计主要集中在视觉和触觉上,我们现在就做到了。”运动知觉、感觉器官、全方位体验:未来将由丰富的体验组成。数字时代创造了一种全新的超敏反应,更奇异的与人类感官的连接,以及万花筒一般的刺激、信息、生活、爱与幸福。设计总能找到新的语言,将我们这个时代镌刻在地球上,而这些“有机科技”作品在这里讲述的是我们所生存的这个时期,亦是将影响人性的一种新运动。
As Gianfranco Zaccai once said, “Design has primarily focused on the visual and the tactile, but we are now.” The kinesthetic, the sensorium, the omni experiential: the future will be made up of an orgy of experiences. The digital age has created a new hypersensitivity, a more exotic connection with our senses, and a kaleidoscope of stimuli, of information, of living, loving, and well-being. Design will always find new languages and mark our time on the planet and these ‘Techorganic’ works here speaks about this moment in which we live, and speaks about a new movement that will shape humanity.
I prefer a certain amorphous softness, soothing human forms, using new technologies, which I call technorganic objects. Don’t’ forget we take design too seriously sometimes. Design development is serious but the consumer should sense a playfulness to elevate their lives, to make them happier. Humor is the underlying most important part of our human condition – I think everything should be smart and beautiful and holistically designed – meaning it is experimental and ecological, but in everything I inject some human spirit of humor – because it lightens up this overtly-serious thing we call LIFE.